Senin, 12 Oktober 2020

sports in the bedroom and the tools it uses in music

exercise is very important for the health of our bodies such as reducing body fat and building muscle mass and increasing body metabolism.

Exercise can help you lose weight while preventing obesity as a trigger for various diseases.

because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is very suitable for exercising in the bedroom or home page so as not to increase people who contract the corona virus disease. various doctors instructed us all to stay at home and do sports at home. Don't forget to sunbathe during the day to improve one and muscle strength and endurance.

therefore there are many positive things to exercise in the bedroom such as sit ups, jumping rope, yoga, squats, gymnastics.

if you want to increase the spirit of loving music while exercising.

There are several benefits when exercising accompanied by music, namely:

1. overcoming distractions

2. reduce fatigue

3. move a lot more

in my opinion, exercise in the bedroom is very suitable compared to outside the home, because there are some people who are not confident in ourselves,

such as those who are obese and women with large breasts who are doing sports outside the home, because they are always in the eyes of many people and feel embarrassed.

The following benefits of exercise:

1. healthy and refreshing the body

2. exercise can help the diet process

3. exercise against disease

4. improve brain function

5. exercise delays the aging process

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2020

Berita Televisi di era digital

 Ryan Rullyanto

Menurut saya televisi di era sekarang sungguh akan tertinggal dengan banyak nya jalan lain seperti youtube ataupun sosial media lainnya. mengapa demikian, karena banyak nya media seperti smartphone yang melebihi televisi. apalagi jika banyak kebanyakan televisi hanya menayang tayangan yang sama saja dari taun ketaun, justru ini yang membuat tertinggal. mungkin kedepan akan kurang nya peminat televisi kecuali orang orang yang sudah tua. bagi kami kalangan muda televisi membosankan dan lebih memilih smartphone yang banyak kegunaan dibanding televisi.

Teknologi sekarang semakin maju dan canggih, banyak kalangan artis, presenter, comedian dan lainnya jarang bermain di televisi karena meraka memiliki pekerjaan sampingan yaitu menjadi youtuber. 

Semakin ke sini semakin tidak seru menonton televisi, dengan berpindahnya profesi artis ke youtube.

Berita bisa di lihat melalui google, youtube maupun lainnya dan tidak hanya di televisi saja.

Karena televisi, google, youtube sama saja, berita yang bisa di televisi lalu mengunggah nya ke youtube, google maupun media lainnya.


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